
Risk Capital

Mergers and takeovers are the order of the day. Furthermore, a good amount of medium-sized companies are growing through their own resources. To keep making the necessary investments, there is a constant need of capital. Many financers focus more and more on shareholdings with very large transaction value and pay less attention to medium-sized companies. Consequently, less risk capital funds become available for this sector. This development is for Bastion Participaties a reason to focus its investment policies on the sector of medium-sized companies. Bastion Participaties would love to play a part in the financing of the growth, the buy-in and buy-out and takeover of stocks for these companies.

Focused on Success

Bastion Participaties is mainly active in industry, trade, business services and recreation. The management of Bastion Participaties has a special affinity with production companies in the metal processing industry, trading companies, business to business and recreation, such as holiday resorts and camping grounds. Companies that belong to the ICT sector and the catering sector are not among the target group of Bastion Participaties.

We focus on companies that have existed for a longer period and that are essentially healthy with a appealing market position, and that achieved a positive cash flow in recent years. Furthermore, it must be justifiable that healthy growth in medium to long term is possible. The most important criterion is, however, the presence of competent management, which can and wants to be involved in the company financially.

The turnover of the target companies amounts €1 million to €20 million. In this way, Bastion Participaties consciously focuses on the segment that most private equity firms neglect. With respect to the size of the investment Bastion Participaties does not have strict limits.

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