Bastion Participaties is an independent private equity firm that has got its means from (ex) entrepreneurs and individuals in the Netherlands. We invest in companies in the Netherlands with a proven product-market combination that, however, does not show optimal yield. Where possible and/or meaningful, Bastion Participaties will form a partnership by clustering shareholdings.
Through the input of capital and experienced management, Bastion Participaties is able to give new impulses to business policies and management with the goal of significantly improving profitability on a short term. Possibilities to profitability improvements can be left unused because of various reasons. Often the management or entrepreneur is very aware of this, but not able to iniciate or implement the necessary measures. For instance, you could think of not using or developing chances on the market, not iniciating internal improvement measures or not posessing the needed, specific management capacities.
We would love to meet shareholders and management (teams) that consider selling (a share of) their stocks or that are in need of extra risk capital funds to realise existing plans. We would also like to assist those who consider a buy-out or buy-in with financial means and know-how.
The size of the shareholdings (stocks, possibly in combination with subordinated loans) is preferrably between €0.5 million and €2.5 million. Bastion Participaties aims to end its interests after a period of five to seven years. This exit with the management will happen in good harmony in order to create the optimal situation for all parties.
Bastion Participaties cooperates with a certain amount of informal investors and renowned private equity firms, which makes us capable to make investment decisions relatively quickly.